With topography the children are expected to know the provinces, cities and rivers of The Netherland well. And they will start calculating with fractures and rounding off and rounding down to the nearest number. They will make calculations up to 10.000.

Group 6 is building further on group 5 and they are expected to give a talk about a subject they chose. That can be quite scary for children but practicing helps a lot. And they will learn a lot Dutch proverbs in group 6 because that is necessary for the higher reading and understanding level of texts in group 6.

The reading level at the end of group 6 has to be at least: AVI E6.

What I am going to work on with children from group 6: 

1. Reading books together matched to their AVI reading level 

2. Checking and talking about homework

3. Talking about the book the child had to read for that week

4. Giving dictation matched to the level at school

5. Practising mental arithmetic (up to 10.000)

6. Practising Reading and Understanding (with roadmap + signal words)

7. Practising a lot story sums (with roadmap + keywords as well)

8. Making mindmaps to practise vocabulary

9. Making Trial Citotest extercises –> Middle + End group 6 level (M6 + E6)

10. Making One Minute Reading Tests + Technical Reading Tests for AVI level

I will give homework for children of group 6 every week. Including giving a new book to read and answer questions about it.

Dutch and Sums For Children Amstelveen 


Reading books together
Talking about read book 
Checking homework
Dictation matched to the level at school
Practising mental arithmetic
Teaching story sums
Practising Reading and Understanding
Word webs for vocabulary
Making Trial Citotest extercises
One Minute Reading Tests Technical Reading Tests AVI level

Making Trial Citotest extercises
Dutch and Sums For Children Amstelveen 


Reading books together
Talking about read book 
Checking homework
Dictation matched to the level at school
Practising mental arithmetic
Teaching story sums
Practising Reading and Understanding
Word webs for vocabulary
Making Trial Citotest extercises
One Minute Reading Tests Technical Reading Tests AVI level

Making Trial Citotest extercises